Saturday, December 24, 2005

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Thats because

....its here and I'm already half way through the day and I haven't done ANY of the things that I really should be doing considering its CHRISTMASSSSSS already!!!!!

This has been the most insane week of the year what with birthdays and a funeral and much laughter and many tears and shitloadsa singing and oh sooo much love!!! ...anyway, lots more on that later. Just had to send out wishes to all of BLOGLAND!

MERRY CHRISTMAS to ye who enter!

And much love and xxx and hugses and wishes!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Its the middle of December

I'm half way through my favourite month and already I'm a little tired ... and there's still SO much more to come! There's been a complete roller-coaster of emotion. Arrival of family and friends from all over the world and the country. And very little time in the gym! There's been far too much beer - and Christmas week hasn't even begun!

Tomorrow would've been my mum & dad's 31st Wedding Anniversary. Unfortunately I never got down to cooking my mum that glorious meal I'd promised to cook the year they would've touched 25yrs. Wasn't only about the food and wine, but the fancy table linen and crockery & cutlery & fancy -shmanchy candle stand et al!

Its also one of my closest friend's (from school) birthday. And in a strange way we've grown even closer these last few days. Happy Birthday Cold Kiri's in Sweden incase you drop by! Keep warm sweet froot-pea!

There's the big sister's birthday on Sunday... Can't believe she's about to turn 30 and looks like she's still in college! 30 year old mother of 2 & 1/2 year old little brat, and she doesn't look a day beyond 21 - now that's just not fair!!! Anyway, cheerses to her!!

And then there's more outstation family and friends to come! So while I should be home getting some much needed rest for all this activity to come, I'm here blogging at work, taking printouts, chatting on Messenger, waiting for NikNak to stop blocking the printer so I can take more printouts! To add to our excitement, we're having a Pre-Christmas party this Saturday, just so that the Dear Buttox doesn't miss any of the action when she's chilling on the beach on Christmas!! Well all this of course rests in the hands of Bananarana... Go girl go!!! More cheers for her, or else we'll be sitting home sipping some beers on Saturday night (which again isn't such a bad prospect after all!)

Shit, shat, shite! I'm off too Hyderabad day after, just for the day!! Naheeeeeeeeen!!! Mrs. Tote, save me!

Phew... tired already... and excited too... 16 days to 2006!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

All I need is a miracle.

Its an aweful feeling to have death stare you in the face. When all you can do is wait... pray... wait for a text message... pray... wait for a phone call... pray... try and sleep... pray... and pray real hard that the phone won't ring in the middle of the night.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

On the sunny side of the street!

Was just teaching Iquew how to post pictures to his blog and thought I'd post this!

This probably should be Exerpts from the travel book - III

This was on the London trip - can you believe it was SO sunny- practically all week! I fell in love with this wall - it was somewhere not far from Tate Modern (because Mr. Heinkel & me had just spent the morning there and were heading to the bus station). We reached the bus station and stood in this really long queue - where we saw this man who (I was sure) was Morgan Freeman!!! I think the lady at the ticket counter looked surprised too! Anyway, after waiting for so long in the queue there wasn't enough time for us to go out and eat a nice meal in one of those pretty side-walk cafes so we ate THIS...

And then got some sweet strangers to take this!

And I do hope these pictures post in the order I want em! Had to delete & re-post. Not sure I've figured this out just yet!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Bits and pieces

BIT The Botox and I started putting up our Christmas decorations last night! With a little help from Mr.Tote who’s here for the weekend. He helped twirl some red tinsel round a wire! So far it’s a mess – but it’s a start, and it sure lifted my spirits from what began as (and remained for the larger part) a pretty lousy day! Ended very happy - Mr. Tote took us for a drive and ice-cream (which I stayed off!) and a cigarette.

PIECE Dreamt of my friend’s mum. She’s gotten worse. And there’s nothing anybody can do. In my dream she was fit and fine – that makes me so mad.

BIT Why do men fall out of love? Is it the “old cow” syndrome from that movie (Someone Like You, I think its called). Or do some men just get cold feet?! Didn’t they ever learn to wear socks to keep their toes warm?!! In this past year 3 close friends have ended their respective relationships – on the verge of lifetime commitments. At the risk of sounding like some feminist fanatic – the men initiated the end. Different people, different circumstances - just weird don’t you think?

PIECE I wish I could be closer to the people that I love.

BIT Really enjoyed reading Penny Lane’s blog! Thankew dear for sharing your Christmas fever… makes my troubles go away! Except for the doity excel sheet hiding behind this page – waiting to jump out & scare me away!