Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Boo Hoo!

BOO: Horo-spoiler!
Pisces: An unexpected amount of cash is coming your way soon. Treat yourself, and those closest to you.
That’s what my horoscope said today. What better way to make sure it never comes true by making me expect the cash!! If I hadn’t expected it – it may have come my way! But now that I’m expecting it… so it’ll never be unexpected and it’ll never come my way  boo frikken hoo!

HOO: House Hunt

We’ve been given marching orders! And quite shockingly it’s not because I sang loudly on my balcony way past midnight many nights ago! Or that we’ve scaled the gates a couple of times drunk as skunks! Or because we’ve had more than a couple of drunken “incidents”! Probably because our landlord’s son has 3 home grown potted plants of pot!!!! Yep that’s right – weed farm! Well they’ve been more than understanding – even supportive of our youthful ways! Anyway we’ve gotta leave because his mum – our landlady – is moving back to Bangalore. Sweet old lady, so I can’t even curse too much – but it sure is a bummer going on the house hunt again!


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