Tick-tock-tick-tock... I hear the sound of my Bio Clock!
Ever since I was tiny I've been a sleepy head! I think its due to the birth process. I've heard Caesars are prone to lethargy... well atleast its been a good enough excuse for me to pass out promptly - in cars, buses, planes, trains, standing, sitting... even sitting on an old lady's lap (at the not so tender age of 25, on our way back from Gokarna)!
But these last few weeks I've had the misfortune of knowing what it feels like to be an insomniac! AND I DON'T LIKE IT!!! My thoughts have been driving me crazy recently. I'm not one to lose sleep over anything... (... except matters may be ;)! So I am certainly not used to worrying about the world and its brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and lovers and bloody colleagues!!!
So what ends up happening is I'm up too late and have to struggle out of bed each morning, which leaves me feeling like a sleepy Tartrazina by the middle of the day! Anyway, I plan to combat these demons by getting into shape... yes paid gym fees today & HAVE to start day after tomorrow (been saved by a day trip tomorrow, so I can't start till Wed.) What I'm hoping is that I'll be SO physically exhausted that my brain will conk out, and I'll get the desired sleep I love so much... and also get my body in shape! Two birds with one dumb-bell! ;o) Must admit, I've never been a gym'er, and am a bit apprehensive about the whole equipment-indoors thing! Anyway, words of encouragement are more than welcome! (Owe my inspiration to Mrs.Tote, The Ostrich & Penny Lane!)
But these last few weeks I've had the misfortune of knowing what it feels like to be an insomniac! AND I DON'T LIKE IT!!! My thoughts have been driving me crazy recently. I'm not one to lose sleep over anything... (... except matters may be ;)! So I am certainly not used to worrying about the world and its brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and lovers and bloody colleagues!!!
So what ends up happening is I'm up too late and have to struggle out of bed each morning, which leaves me feeling like a sleepy Tartrazina by the middle of the day! Anyway, I plan to combat these demons by getting into shape... yes paid gym fees today & HAVE to start day after tomorrow (been saved by a day trip tomorrow, so I can't start till Wed.) What I'm hoping is that I'll be SO physically exhausted that my brain will conk out, and I'll get the desired sleep I love so much... and also get my body in shape! Two birds with one dumb-bell! ;o) Must admit, I've never been a gym'er, and am a bit apprehensive about the whole equipment-indoors thing! Anyway, words of encouragement are more than welcome! (Owe my inspiration to Mrs.Tote, The Ostrich & Penny Lane!)