Friday, November 18, 2005

Good times...

Before November comes to an end, I thought I'd better find the time for an entry this month! After all, this is one of my most favourite times of the year. The bluest skies and pleasanlty chill air! Time for sweaters and jackets... I just bought 2 at a sale! Don't know how, but Miss Buttocks just manages to find the coolest stuff! Anyway, one is this very loud RED jacket... kinda has a tweed finish... I just HAD TO HAVE IT! Even tho, I knew the reaction I'd get back home... but I think its sooper! Lets hope they let me leave the house in it!

October just flew right past me, and November's flying just as fast and soon Christmas will be here, and I haven't lost a bloody ounce!!! So much for feeling happy with the 3 times a week workout regimen! Penny Lane, I hope you've made progress, coz I sure haven't!! I'm probably just stronger and I'm sure I can run fast and peddle harder and I have more stamina - but those are not the reasons I decided to join the damn gym! So now, I think I will HAVE to control the beer drinking! Its my last chance - December's a fortnight away! And god only knows what it has in store for me - I've always been excited about December... for no particular reason, I promise! Its just festive and cool and there's Opus' 8 Days of Christmas to look forward too! And may be a music video to compliment the Ho! Ho! Ho! Christmas album we recorded last year! Sheesh its been a year since we discovered that I CAN SING! And what a glorious year its been!

I love rambling... blogs are great for that... just type type type.... ramble ramble ramble!

The Rat is here for the weekend, and last night in our drunkenness she insisted on wearing this silver net on her head - first like a veil & then like a hair tie! She's hilarious! Today while I'm here blogging she's home cooking us lunch! Today's not a good day for work. I'm listening to one of my favourite tracks - Good Times by Edie Brickel - I think everyone should listen to it, if only I knew how to post it here! Everyone's in cricket match mood - Go India! Go! I think its goona be a happy drunken Saturday after a very long time!

Sigh... I love blogspot, hope I get to spend more time here more often! Till then, cheerses Fellow Faffers!


Blogger Rat said...

Now why must you go and say embaressing things about me like that :) Thanks for the awesome weekend Dahlin.

10:26 pm  
Blogger Tartrazina said...

You're more than welcome My Rat! I only told about the veil, what about the other stories ;)

8:30 pm  
Blogger sac said...

hark! a tart! jam or lemon, i have a sweet tooth i do. clickety-clack

11:24 am  

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