Thursday, July 28, 2005

Week # 30

I don't want this space to become a weekly blog, but I can't seem to help it suddenly. Its not like I've run out of stories to tell - people who know me know that could never happen! ;o) May be I'm just not good with typing em out into neat little paragraphs! More possibly I'm just going through a lazy patch!

Anyway, about the past week ... or ever since my last post, much has happened good & not so good! Just a quick list, and then if I do get carried away ... I'll ramble on!

1. I got quite busy with work and was truly enjoying it - and got over the "blah" feeling of the previous few days.

2. Attempted to watch War of The Worlds - its been a long long time since I watched a film at the cinema, and it seems it will be a long time till I do! Didn't get tickets ... Friday night @ PVR what could we expect!

3. Drowned the movie dampener in some awesome Khauswey!!! It'll take a lot to beat my cook's recipe, but this stuff is good! I'm sure some day I'll dedicate a post to Jiggy & Khauswey!

4. Saturday night I ended up going to an ex colleague's farewell party - was great catching up with the whole bunch! And I did meet a couple of new people - which was one of the main reason's I chose to go out, over staying at home with a bottle of some excellent Apple twist vodka! However, I must admit, I'm not good with the whole "meet new people" thing - ended up spending most of the night with my good old present colleague & his girlfriend!

5. Sunday - the brother arrived and woke me up from my drunken slumber! We spent a pleasant afternoon together with the Chemical Pros and my dear Sum-sum and my swim pal. Eating loadsa of meat and seafood - good 'ol Pecos rules!

6. Sunday night and its finally time for Sex & The City ...the Gander again wonders where he shall wander! But as the Ostrich pointed out, he's secretly hooked too!

7. I've developed a painful lump under my arm - its been there a while - 3 years or so, and doctors have said it isn't anything serious. Well its gotten serious now, and its very angry with me! I can tell coz it hurts SO!!! Finally visited my friendly old skin specialist to fix things again.

8. Except for the #7 situation and a dodgy tummy thanks to #5, Monday turned out to be really quite F-I-N-E ...the hard work seemed to have paid off, coz I got what in my words was a WOW incentive cheque! Besides being my very first incentive & restoring the faith in my Employer, it also restored my faith in the Sooper Boss of Mankind! After asking "why me" to being victim of 2 thefts on my holiday & losing hair over the credit card misuse, this sure was a great reward!

9. Dinner and drinks @ Shiok in celebration of #8. Uhhh, actually just fresh lime water for me, thanx to the antibiotics for #7

10. #7 sure is troubling me. Can't wait till Saturday. Tired of changing dressings. Ripping the plaster off. Feel so sore.

11. My phone is playing up. Time to let go. But I just bought a new battery!

12. Finally spoke to one of my closest friends from school & college. She's pregnant. And can't wait for the next 9 months to get "it" out of her!!! Poor thing really sounds very very ill... between napping and throwing up, she did manage to talk a little! As for me... I coudn't be more excited! One more Mad March Head to fuss over!

There you go. Another week in the life of Miss Tart.


Come back tomorrow - hopefully I'll be back to daily blogging!
I hope I got the link thing right this time!


Blogger Rat said...

tart you gotta blog more often. i just LOVED reading your post. Hope all is ok? I just called you now but your battery died !!! Ok this pregnant person is it who i think it is ????????

1:51 am  
Blogger nothing said...

beantown blogbash. tomorrow, barrista st. mark's road. five in the evening. be there. or for details.
Also, join the bangalore bloggers google group. details on the same two blogs.

5:13 am  
Blogger Tartrazina said...


3:27 am  

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