Monday, January 19, 2009

60 days to 30!

Its crazy how time flies and I really didn’t do that much these last 2 years! On Friday, April 13, 2007 I posted a list - which I’ve got just about 60 days left to complete. Well I guess some will just spill over and hopefully be struck off in this lifetime, for now I’m going to strike off what’s done and try to do a little more before 20MAR09!

30 before 30
Can't seem to strike through, so the bold ones are what's left...

1. Live in a shack on a beach.
2. Take a martial arts course.
3. Drink Absynthe.
4. Have a fling with a foreigner.
5. Go skinny dipping.

6. Chuck a drink at someone.
7. Spend an obscene amount of money on something I don't need.
8. Get a job bar-tending - for more than just one night.
9. Drink a beer with my cook.
10. Be hospitalised.
11. Throw a plate against the wall.
12. Have sex outdoors - in a car perhaps!

13. Plan a holiday in under an hour, and rush to the airport/bus station/ train station.
14. Kiss in the rain.
15. Get a brazilian wax.
16. Trip on Ecstacy.
17. Break a bone... of all the undone things I’m really worried about this happening post 30!
18. Get lost in a foreign city where you don't know the language.
19. Punch someone... I pity the unlucky receiver, the power behind that punch is building up.
20. Live abroad.
21. Travel to another city for dinner.
22. Buy a house, or atleast a car - which means: In these grim times, I sure am glad I didn’t do either – no loans thank gawwdd!!
23. ...learn how to drive.
24. Go on a holiday with a lover.
25. Tip the barman with something other than money!
26. Lose weight and get in shape... this is done & undone - 2 years was enough to get in and out of shape unfortunately!
27. Buy my Mum a diamond.
28. Run a marathon.
29. Sing on stage or in a band, and I don't mean karaoke... hopefully this will be struck off 30Jan09 @ The Circle of Life concert – if anyone’s reading this in Bangalore you’d better be there!!
30. Travel more than 500km on a Rs.500 budget for atleast 2 days.

So much for lists!!!! Let's see if I can do better in the future!!


Blogger Mint Chutney said...

Dearest Tart~ I'm laughing at all you have accomplished in the last 2years. How can you say you have nothing to blog about?? #5? #15?? #16?? #12??? #4????
My list goes something like this; "Dust the top shelf that no one can see" " Get new IUD" "Get oil change for both cars". Phew. I'm tired just thinking of all I've done.

11:39 am  
Blogger writer said...

nice, you've done more than most people ever get around to. but break a bone? seriously?

5:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2. Kick boxing baybeee, it's actually fun too. Come on, we have a month
6. Don't want to be around when that happens, but know quite a few ppl you SHOULD throw it at ;)
7. Hmmm......maybe after the recession??
8. Jungle Retreat - over a weekend?
11. Where's all this anger coming from Tart?? Don't break crockery man! :)
14. Hmmmm....will have to wait till May
17. Why exactly
19. Refer to point 11
20. Soon, fingers crossed
22. Refer to pt 7
23. Can be done, but no point till the car arrives
24. Hmmmm...
28. How about joining the Nike run club?


7:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, 30 shud be IT. have 3 more years to go

8:16 am  

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