Thursday, April 05, 2007

Feeling lethargic

Works been dull ever since we got back from Paris - so thats all of 2 months of DULLNESS! Usually the dull days last from 3 or 4 days to a couple of weeks - and I used to cherish the extra time I got to faff around and not do work. But this is getting a little bit annoying! I'm still faffing, but I don't enjoy it as much!

In the meanwhile, I've been coaxed into Facebook! Well actually I started only yesterday and I'm already a little bit bored! Have been on Orkut for a while, and I figure the fun part lasts only about 6hrs, when you're busy finding new people that are actually old people - and you reconnect! After that its a bore! Besides, why would I want everybody to know who I sent what messages too!!!??! I find that pretty silly!

So here I am back on Blogger - blogging for blogssake! I have nothing intelligent (ok, I never had intelligent things) to say. Nothing new. Nothing funny even!

There's a post that's been saved in my drafts, but I'm waiting to get some pictures scanned before that goes up. Hope I remember to get that done tomorrow.

In other news - well not quite NEWS. But just something more I have to say - for the first time ever (I think), Good Friday is not a holiday for me this year. Its weird, there are 3 Christians in my organisation, and tho' its not on the Holiday List, we sort of took for granted that they'd allow us to take it as a "restricted" holiday - apparently not! If we don't go in it'll be a day from out already limited Leave. I'm too damn lazy to feel discriminated against!!! There, thats how lethargic I feel.


Blogger blaiq said...

Hey, even we are working on Good Friday. I think there's a conspiracy brewing somewhere.

9:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orkut is feverishly dull. Facebook even more so.

Good Friday is not a holiday this time. What's up with that!? I was blissfully sleeping till 10 when I got a call asking me why I am not in office. Baskets.

Have a fun Easter weekend Tarty!

11:53 pm  
Blogger Tartrazina said...

Blaiq - WHAAATTT!!?? i was complaining here saying this never happened in Ogilvy... well it didn't happen here either before! this really is a conspiracy!!!!

Jax - thanx for your wishes - many bunnies to you too :)

4:11 am  

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